
Information about meteor.js

Meteor In 2012, a group of Engineers had created  Meteor as an isomorphic, open-source full-stack JavaScript framework  based on Node.js. It also supports building end-to-end applications for Web, Mobile, Desktop platform and integrates well with popular front-end frameworks like React, Vue.js, Angular, Svelte. It is also a “ Batteries Included ” framework with “Out-of-the-box” support for Enterprise-grade App development. 5 Key Features: Meteor is a full-stack  framework  to develop the complete stack: Frontend-to-Backend. For front-end development, it has its  own template engine . But developers can use Meteor with other popular front-end frameworks like  Angular, React, Vue.js or Svelte . It is a  cross-platform framework  and can develop an application for Web, Mobile, and Desktop. Meteor has integrated JavaScript stack, which enables different integrating technologies (e.g., MongoDB database, React front-end) with minimum effort....

Information about next.js

Next.js React is a very unopinionated framework where React-Core just offers the view layer. There was always a need for an  end-to-end, opinionated framework based on React .  Tim Neutkens  and a group of Software Engineers from the Dutch company  Zeit  has created Next.js as an  end-to-end, higher-level Web Framework on top of React and Node.js . Next.js offers both Server-Rendered and Static Web sites for Web, Desktop, and Mobile devices. 5 Key Features: Next.js is built upon the  two most popular and battle-hardened JavaScript frameworks: React and Node.js . It also offers “ Build once, runs everywhere, ” i.e., a Next.js can run on Web, Mobile, and Desktop. Next.js offers excellent  Server-Side rendering with exceptional SEO support and fast startup . It offers automatic code splitting and filesystem-based routing. It also supports easy-to-use data fetching and built-in CSS support. Popularity: In terms of GitHub stars, it is the 6th most popu...

Information about express.js

Express When Node.js appeared in 2009,  TJ Holowaychuk  has created Express.js based on the  minimalistic Web Framework Sinatra . It is a minimalistic Web framework to develop Web application and REST API. It is also less opinionated and very fast. Many other JavaScript-based Web frameworks are based on Express. Today, Express.js is the most popular JavaScript-based Web application framework hands down. 5 Key Features: Express.js is almost the default JavaScript Server Side framework. Express is the complete Application framework with middleware, routing, template. Express supports MVC pattern with View system supporting 14+ templating engines. It also offers robust routing. Express also supports content negotiation. Popularity: It is the most popular JavaScript-based back-end framework as evident by GitHub stars: With  over 10 million downloads every week , Express.js is by far the most downloaded JavaScript framework: The “State ...

Information about angular.js

Angular In  AngularJS , Google had created one of the earliest hot JavaScript-based Front-end frameworks in 2010. But once Facebook released React, it exposed the design flaws of AngularJS, and it quickly became an outdated framework. As a result, the Google team has created an  entirely new SPA framework and released it as Angular  in 2016. Although Angular and AngularJS have similar names, in reality, they are two different frameworks. Unlike React, it is an  end-to-end Framework  with “Out-of-the-box” support of everything one needs to develop an Enterprise-grade Web App. Also, Angular is the first significant framework that has  embraced TypeScript  and played a considerable role in making TypeScript popular. Today, Angular is lagging React, Vue.js, or Svelte in terms of hype and interest. But it is a  proven and reliable Enterprise Grade framework  that will be in the community for years to come. 5 Key Features: Angular.js is...

Information about Vue.js

Vue.js In modern days where Web frameworks are backed by Giant Tech companies,  Vue.js is an exception . In 2014, an ex-Google Engineer  Evan You  decided to combine the  good parts of AngularJS  (View Layer) and the  good parts of React  (Virtual DOM) and created Vue.js. Today, Vue.js is one of the most popular JavaScript-based Web frameworks. One of the key design goals of Evan You was to  lower the barrier into JavaScript-based front-end development . Vue.js is one of the easiest Front-end frameworks where developers can write SPA applications with minor effort. Developers can use Vue.js as an End-to-End framework with Routing, State management like Angular, or as only a view layer like React. It also offers Angular like two-way data-binding with additional Reactivity and React like rendering using Virtual DOM. 5 Key Features: Vue.js offers  progressive  app development and best in the class documentation. If you have a la...

Information about node.js

Node.js Although there were several attempts to use JavaScript in Server-side development, they were not very popular. In 2009,  Ryan Dahl  created the  asynchronous, event-driven Server-Side JavaScript runtime Node.js  and brought JavaScript in the uncharted territory of  Back-end development . Ryan Dahl has used the popular  JavaScript Engine V8 and C++ libraries . Since then, the popularity of both Node.js and JavaScript has skyrocketed. With  Node Package Manager NPM  and countless numbers of frameworks/libraries, Node.js has surpassed many other established Server-side frameworks. Because of its Asynchronous Event-Driven nature and lightweight, fast runtime, Node.js is especially suited for I/O heavy applications like Web, IoT, Serverless. Today, Node.js is not a framework rather than an  entire Eco-system of Server-Side JavaScript development . With many innovations (like NPM, Module Systems), Node.js is one of the primary driving force...

Information about React.js

React React is not among the earliest disruptive JavaScript-based Web frameworks. But it is the  most disruptive and influential JavaScript-based Web framework .  Jordan Walke  and a group of  Facebook  Engineers created React in 2013 as a Component-based Web Framework with one-way data flow and changed the Front-end Web Development forever. It also introduced many other concepts like  functional, declarative programming ,  immutable state,  which was uncommon in Front-end development. The other breakthrough of React was to introduce the Virtual DOM, which gives better user experience and performance gain. Today, React is by far the  most dominant Web frameworks  with no sign of slipping up soon. 5 Key Features: React is one of the most unopinionated frameworks where React-Core is just a Component-based library for the View layer. React has the slogan: “ Learn Once, Write Anywhere.”  Software Engineers can use React to d...