10 Tips for job interview success
1. First impressions count Greet your interviewer with a smile and firm handshake. Give eye contact. Try to make small talk during the walk from the reception area to the interview room. Liz Anderson, a human resources manager says, "You have to sell yourself before you can sell anything else and the first 30 seconds are when the interviewer subconsciously makes decisions about whether they like you or not and whether you will fit into the team." 2. Be prepared Re-read your CV and the job advert just before the interview. Do your research thoroughly: Look at the company web site or obtain literature. You may be asked about the salary you are after so make sure you research that as well. 3. Don't waffle Answer questions properly – even if you need a few moments' silence to collect your thoughts. Anderson advises, "It's better to say you need a minute to think about your answer rather than speak instantly and regret it afterwards." 4. Why should they hire ...